
Guild Master Gaming 2018 Review And Looking Ahead At 2019

First and foremost, I want to tell everyone reading my articles, thank you. I am humbled by the support I have received.

2018 was a year of amazing, and a little surprising, growth for Guild Master Gaming and for me. So much of this is because of the wonderful support I have received from all of you who take the time to read what I create. I sincerely thank everyone who reads my articles here or on other sites.

Guild Master Gaming started in 2012 as a place for and about tabletop games. It is still a mainstay for the articles that are published here. Since then, readers have expressed an interest in other areas that are part of their fandoms. This year I embraced more of those areas and the response has been amazing.

One area that I take pride in is that I've made it a point of not writing rants or attacks and will continue to keep that standard.

Tabletop Gaming and Game Reviews

Games are a mainstay of Guild Master Gaming and will remain so. Moving forward I will continue to include articles and reviews about the games, hobbies, people, and places involved. Along with the writing I have participated in a couple of conventions and conferences this past year and I will continue doing that.

I enjoy games and will continue writing about them for Guild Master Gaming and other outlets. This has included board games and role-playing games. This past year I was able to review some settings, adventures, and found out more about the industry and larger community. I've had more authors and developers who have recognized your support of the gaming community as readers. Please, if you hear about something through an article I've written, let the developer or the outlet you are getting it from know the source.

Over the past couple of years, I've had the opportunity of being on panels and presentations at SaltCon, FilmQuest, and with the League of Utah Writers. I will continue to be on panels to share information about the gaming community and additional areas of interest.

I'll share what I learn from being able to share space with others involved on the panels and conventions. If you see me at a convention taking notes, it is so I can share what I'm learning.

Books and Movies

I have been writing more reviews of movies and books because of expressed interest from people I have met at conferences and through social media. I've been reviewing entertainment that is along the same genres as games. I have published some reviews that are about more mainstream books and movies. However, I have focused on movies that are more likely to be at genre film festivals.

Most of the books I've reviewed are from newer authors and/or smaller publishing houses. I like doing these because, just like the independent game developers, this is providing a broader view of what is available.

I have had good responses for the reviews.

Events and People

There have been articles about the people I meet who are a part of the community. There has been an expressed interest in learning about the people who are involved in the larger community of gaming, authors, artists, etc. I'm working on doing more articles that are written by people in the community or highlighting what they are doing.

A Personal Note

This year I had my first piece of fiction published. That was a learning experience and I'm proud of the work. I also won an award for a review I wrote. There are more of these types of projects scheduled for the upcoming year.

Reviewing 2018

Guild Master Gaming has grown. I always feel awkward saying what the numbers are, but I've had some people asking about them. At the time of writing this article, Guild Master Gaming is closing in on 300K pageviews. The number will either be passed by the end of the month or the first part of January. Across the social media platforms there are over 500 readers watching for new articles.

Readers are from all around the globe. There have been visitors to the blog from over 150 countries and 60 countries that have readers every month.

Please Help Me

Moving forward into 2019 I want to bring you what you are interested in. I keep finding that what others ask about are interesting to me also and it keeps writing these articles fun.

Please let me know what you are interested in. If I know about it, or can find out more, I will write about it. I have also published articles others have written that are responses to articles published here or expand on something I have written.

If there is something you would like to share through Guild Master Gaming, please let me know. This site doesn't make enough money to pay for articles, but I'm willing to share applicable, well-written articles.

If you just like reading my articles, I appreciate your support. If you do like what you read, mine or another person's work, please share it.

Again, thank you.


Daniel Yocom

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to guildmastergaming@gmail.com.

You can also join Guild Master Gaming on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).